Wednesday 22 September 2010

AtypI 2010 Dublin

AtypI 2010 Dublin

Last month started with a visit to Dublin to attend AtypI 2010, The Word.
The journey in the world of letters started and it was very intense! Lots of information and learning, new people to meet, many familiar names but unfamiliar faces.
Of course I can't compare with previous editions because this was a first, but still I can say that almost of the conferences I saw were amazing, with lots of interest.
It was very nice also to meet some of my future colleagues of the MA Typeface Design at Reading, and lots of the previous students who were very nice giving us inside information! We need all we can get! Many of the speakers were in a way connected to Reading, and that was interesting giving a very important first approach to our academic life this year. I admired the friendship between people who are competitors in the same field, it felt that they had a very healthy relationship.
I can't help myself to thank all the portuguese and Brazilians present in the event, they were so nice and brought some latin flavor to the parties!
The visit to the print museum was also a high point on the event and lots of us got his/her name on Lynotype machine!There were lots of interesting papers, for example from Jo de Baerdemaeker on Javanese typefaces.I was happy to meet Miguel Sousa, the first Portuguese to ever do the MA at Reading, now working at Adobe.
It was a very well organized event, the food was great, and the venue very comfortable. Always a nice cup of tea or coffee to warm you up!
I felt happy, I still do to have found a group of people that has the same interests, that for normal people are strange things, but for us it's a passion for the written word, it's story and design.
As future colleague of mine said going out together of a bookshop, "it's the first time that I walk around a bookstore with someone looking at covers and lettering!", that's us!
Looking forward for next year at Reykjavik 2011!